Transportation Planning Advisory Group (TPAG)


The Transportation Planning Advisory Group (TPAG) is the WRTA’s consumer advisory committee that provides a forum for addressing service related issues that affect people who are seniors (age 60+) and people with disabilities. TPAG addresses all types of WRTA service issues including compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, service criteria for WRTA fixed route bus and paratransit services, improving existing services and advising on new services.

Who Is Involved

Representation on TPAG is broad-based and includes riders, human service agencies representing clients who are elder or disabled, WRTA service providers, the WRTA Administrator, and representatives from the CMRPC who act as staff to TPAG. Commission staff prepares and mails monthly meeting minutes and agendas to over 125 individuals and agencies who have asked to be on the mailing list. TPAG meeting minutes and meeting agendas are available online at Use the search button and key in “TPAG” to be directed to the appropriate pages.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee meets monthly after the TPAG regularly scheduled meetings for more in-depth discussion of service issues and to prepare meeting agendas. Working subcommittees convene, as needed, to research and discuss current issues, report back on findings, and make recommendations to the full membership at monthly meetings.


The Committee meets on the third Wednesday of select months from 1:00pm to 2:30pm virtually via the Zoom meeting platform and is open to the public.

Contact Information

To place an item on the TPAG agenda, call (508) 459-3328 or email