Route 1

December 26, 2024: Delays & Missed Trips

Please check often for updates.

Route 11 - Delayed due to an emergency in the area 10:45 AM.  Returned to regular route 11:20 AM.
Route 14 - Running late due to a mechanical issue. 8:15 AM

Missed Trips
8:30 AM

8:03 AM

Notice: Service Alerts for Christmas Day & New Year’s Day

In observance of Christmas & New Year’s Day, there will be no fixed-route bus service or paratransit service on:

Wednesday, December 25, 2024 & Wednesday, January 1, 2024.

All administrative offices, including the Customer Service Center located at 60 Foster St. will be also closed.

Reduced Trips on Fridays (click here)

Due to driver shortages, the WRTA has decided to temporarily suspend or reduce service provided on Fridays only, as follows:

Route 8/25 (in its entirety) will be suspended.
Service on Routes 11/24, 14, 19, 26, 27, and 30 will be reduced.
These schedule changes will not affect paratransit services.
For details on the affected routes click here.
